
ice axe造句

"ice axe"是什么意思   


  1. Well , if there is snow , you have to bring with you crampons , an ice axe , ice piton and snow goggles
  2. In a pinch an ice axe works ok as a probe , but it ' s better to carry a thinner and longer device - - a ski pole without the basket works well , and a dedicated snow probe works best ( figure 1 )
    冰镐有时可以作为探测杆使用,但是携带一支更加细长的装备要更好一些? ?不带阻雪环的滑雪杖很好使,专用的雪地探测杆更加好用。
  3. In a pinch an ice axe works ok as a probe , but it [ chr ( 39 ) ] s better to carry a thinner and longer device - - a ski pole without the basket works well , and a dedicated snow probe works best ( figure 1 )
    冰镐有时可以作为探测杆使用,但是携带一支更加细长的装备要更好一些? ?不带阻雪环的滑雪杖很好使,专用的雪地探测杆更加好用。
  4. The white leader can now prepare the lip of the crevasse for hauling by placing an ice axe under the haul rope ( make sure to clip the axe into another anchor further back so it can ' t fall onto the victim ' s head if the lip breaks )
    白队先锋这时候在拖曳绳(译者注:指黑绳)下面置入一支冰镐(确定将冰镐扣入较后位置的另一个确保点,这样如果裂缝边缘破裂的话,冰镐才不会砸到落难队员的头部) 。
  5. The white leader can now prepare the lip of the crevasse for hauling by placing an ice axe under the haul rope ( make sure to clip the axe into another anchor further back so it can [ chr ( 39 ) ] t fall onto the victim [ chr ( 39 ) ] s head if the lip breaks )
    白队先锋这时候在拖曳绳(译者注:指黑绳)下面置入一支冰镐(确定将冰镐扣入较后位置的另一个确保点,这样如果裂缝边缘破裂的话,冰镐才不会砸到落难队员的头部) 。
  6. It's difficult to find ice axe in a sentence. 用ice axe造句挺难的


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